4 tips to keep your Home Deep Cleaned!

Origins of Clean, Green Cleaning, Organized home, Kill Covid

Let's face it, cleaning our homes is a chore. Even if we crank up the music and turn it into a game, it's still work. The old adage is that if you do a little bit everyday then you don't have to be a weekend warrior, cleaning for hours on end! Perhaps your kids can help tackle those chore lists and they will see that many hands make light the work! At any rate, I have found these 4 tips relieve my housekeeping stress and help immensely when we have last minute guests or family members who want to pop by!

Every day - again, these are not tasks that take an enormous amount of time. You will find that your home will run more smoothly, items will be found (keys anyone?) when you keep up with Daily Maintenance.

1. Sweep floors - Do a quick sweep every night after dinner. Focus on traffic areas, corners where pet hair and dust bunnies gather and underneath the kitchen table. I like to keep a separate broom and mop for the kids (color coded works too!) so they can take ownership of the messes.

2. Declutter - By picking up "clutter" on a daily basis you reduce stress and adhere to a daily routine. Items such as mail, toys, clothes, shoes, bookbags tend to pile up as everyone comes in and out of the house. Creating a "game" for 5 minutes helps with this task and a little competition is good for everyone! Plus, when you wake up the next day to do it all again - you're ready to start the day fresh and energized!

3. Do a load of laundry everyday. I know, I know are you serious? Yes, I am. By doing 1 load of laundry everyday you don't have the pile up that occurs throughout the week. My family and I have "folding parties" where we turn on our favorite tunes and run through some laundry to "lesson the load."

4. Wipe counters - Every night after dinner we wash out the kitchen sink with a dishwasher safe brush and soap and then disinfect the counters from meats, fish to ensure a safe and clean surface. Wiping down counters can even mean a quick wipe of the bathroom counters and toilet areas, where necessary. 

These tasks only take 10-15 minutes a day and can make your life so much easier! I hope this helps!

Healthy Cleaning everyone!

Ashley Sweet/Origins of Clean