How Origins of Clean was Formed

green cleaning, health, ninjas fighting lymphedema, origins of clean

Years ago, when I was younger, I felt invincible. Nothing could stop me - I was dauntless and took risks. I was twenty years old when my leg started swelling. After numerous falls, running accidents and ankle sprains, my leg swelled and didn't go down. In fact, the swelling spread up my whole leg. It resembled an knobby tree trunk. It was painful and required almost a year of visiting Dr.'s without much relief. After finding a finding a Vascular Surgeon, I was diagnosed with Lymphedema. Relieved, I was ready to move on with life. After researching what the disease meant, I quickly sobered to discover that it was incurable and would cause suffering and worsening - painful swelling, cellulitis (infections from getting cuts from shaving etc). and even hardening of the skin and major fatigue. My Mom, in an effort to help me gave me a book entitled, "Patient Heal Thyself." It was packed with empowering knowledge and ways for me to move forward. One of the instrumental elements I learned from this book was to get healthy from the inside. Not only did this entail a mental shift, but also I was compelled not to pollute my body with chemicals and toxins. I came from a "cleaning family" whereby cleanliness was next to godliness. We used many cleaning agents filled with phthalates, VOC's (volatile organic compounds) and hormone altering/cancer causing ingredients. I decide to change what I was using and researched green-cleaning alternatives. Fast forward 10 years and I met Harris Weinstein, the owner of Kamo in Augusta, GA and a kindred spirit in health alternatives. Our families had both faced cancer and disease and we had found ways to start health at home. The culmination of our personal experiences and desire to educate and help others began the advent of "Origins of Clean." We wanted to get back to our roots and mitigate disease at the basic level. Our mission is simple - we provide everyday cleaning products that are green, affordable, lesson allergens and reduce the plastic footprint on our planet.

Origins of Clean delivers healthy, sustainable home cleaning essentials right to your door. A portion of every order goes to your Non-Profit of Choice. I personally selected "Ninja's Fighting Lymphedema" to bring awareness to this debilitating and underserved disease.

If you have a non-profit you believe in, or a story you want to share, please contact us at Origins of Clean!

With health and hope,

Ashley and Harris